Saturday, March 22, 2014

Response #6 A Doll's House

1. Mrs. Lind encourages Kromer to let Tom read the letter revealing Nora's deception. She strongly believes that in order for Tom and Nora to have a complete understanding of each other that there can't be any dishonesty between them.
2. The significance of the door slamming is Nora solidifying her decision to leave her husband and chlidren. It was a bold move considering that women around that time had limited rights. This shocked everyone and also caused a shift in society. This also produced a wave of emerging feminists which later led to their unity in fighting for equality between men and women.


A male from 1879ish. He's dressed typically like a lawyer of that time.

A female from 1879ish. There weren't that many roles for women at that time. She would be your typical stay at home wife.

1 comment:

  1. Very good response.

    The image of the woman, however, looks a little 1860s or early 1870s, not quite Doll's House time.
